„ТехноЛогика“ ЕАД

Latest address

Organization name
„ТехноЛогика“ ЕАД
Street address
ул. „Червена стена“ № 46
Postal code

Organization in JSON

2021-06-16 award

Bulgaria - Sofia: Software maintenance and repair services

Buyer: Natsionalna zdravnoosiguritelna kasa

2021-04-16 award

Bulgaria - Sofia: Software maintenance and repair services

Buyer: „Informatsionno obsluzhvane“ AD

2021-04-02 award

Bulgaria - Sofia: Maintenance of information technology software

Buyer: Ministerstvo na turizma

2021-03-26 award

Bulgaria - Sofia: Maintenance of information technology software

Buyer: Ministerstvo na vatreshnite raboti

2021-03-16 award

Bulgaria - Sofia: Software package and information systems

Buyer: Agentsiya za sotsialno podpomagane

2021-01-22 award

Bulgaria - Sofia: Software maintenance and repair services

Buyer: Ministerstvo na otbranata


Bulgaria - Sofia: Information systems and servers

Buyer: Ministerstvo na vatreshnite raboti

2020-12-18 award

Bulgaria - Sofia: System and support services

Buyer: Ministerstvo na okolnata sreda i vodite

2020-11-27 award

Bulgaria - Sofia: Software maintenance and repair services

Buyer: Agentsiya po zaetostta

2020-11-27 award

Bulgaria - Sofia: Maintenance of information technology software

Buyer: Natsionalen osiguritelen institut

EUR values shown above are here to give a unified view about each tender's value. As we calculate them based on a fixed currency rate from the past, real value may differ now. Please check the details pages for the real value in the original currency.